
Promotions -

NPD Connected Intelligence’s new Promotions Marketplace report is a monthly updated tracker providing insights into a wireless carrier and national distributor's promotional incentive practices. The report provides a detailed list of all promotional activities captured via NPD’s retail and online store visits conducted on a periodical basis. Captured promotions are categorized (i.e., service plan, accessories, device discounts, BOGOs, Gift Cards, etc.) and dated (start date/end date) for easy navigation and analysis purposes.

Mobile Device - May 2020

Motorola and Verizon take the spotlight this month with the debut of three new smartphones the G Power, G Stylus and Edge+.

The Edge+ is a big jump for Motorola into the premium device market, previously staying comfortable in the mid-tier, and currently a Verizon exclusive.

OnePlus is making a splash in the market, growing its carrier client list to include Verizon.

Key Highlights:

Data Consumption Q1'20 - May 2020

US smartphone users consumed a record 48.5 GB of data monthly, up from 37.6 GB in the previous quarter due to COVID-19 that forced consumers to follow strict stay-at-home guidelines. We have seen a balanced growth in both Wi-Fi and cellular usage with the former connection method again, accounting for three-quarters of the total data traffic. 

OEM Brand Anaylsis - October 2019

The NPD Connected Intelligence OEM Brand Analysis report is a bi-annual Powerpoint-based report providing extensive information on consumers’ awareness and perception towards smartphone OEM brands in the market. The report is designed to help product development teams in their smartphone brand/device ranging efforts.

1H 2019 Highlights

CARRIER KPI Q4 '19 - March 2020

The US Mobile Carrier KPI report features trending (2009-2019) of nationwide carriers' key performance indicators for subscriber growth by contract/device type as well as mobile service revenue and churn statistics. The report also provides a detailed 5+ year trending of connected tablet connections and net additions by carrier in the US market.

Q4 2019 Highlights:

Broadband Marketplace - April 2020

The NPD Connected Intelligence Service's Marketplace Report provides a complete view of all mobile broadband service plans offered by the nationwide carriers. This report features each carrier's service plans on smartphones and mobile broadband products in separate tabs, which provides sectional navigation to postpaid and prepaid plans. The data is gathered from multiple sources (online and retail store surveys) during the last week of each month.

Promotions Marketplace -

NPD Connected Intelligence’s new Promotions Marketplace report is a monthly updated tracker providing insights into a wireless carrier and national distributor's promotional incentive practices. The report provides a detailed list of all promotional activities captured via NPD’s retail and online store visits conducted on a periodical basis. Captured promotions are categorized (i.e., service plan, accessories, device discounts, BOGOs, Gift Cards, etc.) and dated (start date/end date) for easy navigation and analysis purposes.
