Broadband Solutions

Analysis of mobile broadband adoption, use, and forecasted data connection growth and consumption, providing a holistic view of the operator competitive landscape


The Challenge:

The mobile broadband market is an emerging space and consumer adoption within this market has not yet reached the key inflection point. Operators need a deeper understanding of what people want to connect, the barriers to this connection decision, and accurate counts as to the number of consumers connecting various types of device. Without this critical information, operators are making relatively uninformed decisions in how to evolve these plans and strategies successfully – and moving forward.

The Solution:

Connected Intelligence leverages a range of proprietary data sources to create a detailed picture of the mobile broadband market and consumer adoption and use. Starting with a detailed view of the competitive pricing options, the Connected Intelligence solution examines consumer attitudes to connecting various devices, and which services would be leveraged.

Most importantly, Connected Intelligence delivers actual and forecasted connection rates for key broadband-enabled devices as well as tracking mobile broadband usage on smartphones and tablets to understand not just what is connected, but how much it is used in the real world. The result is a 360-degree view of consumer use of mobile broadband services that enables operators to take actionable decisions based on current consumer adoption and use.


Key Components

  • Ongoing tracking of mobile broadband plans and pricing
  • Key performance indicators and mobile broadband connections by operator and device type
  • Smartphone and tablet data consumption by operator, OEM and demographics
  • Consumer broadband purchase behaviors and adoption barriers
  • Behavioral tracking of tablet and smartphone users and their online activities


Data Sources:

NPD Connected Intelligence leverages a unique array of content sources to create a disticntive, detailed approach to understand current and future trends in the mobile broadband market. These sources include:

  • Device sales data
  • Consumer panel research
  • On-device metering
  • Mystery shopping
  • Supply chain data


Key Operator Challenges: 

  • Are the broadband plans competitive and how do we keep up with competitive changes?
  • Is our broadband device portfolio competitively priced against the competition?
  • Do we have a competitive share of the broadband connection market, but device type? Are tablets driving these connections and what is the impact of share plans? 
  • How much data are customers using across both smartphones and tablets? Do our customers over, or under-index compared to the other carriers, and is that a good thing? Do unlimited plans drive “bad” consumer behavior?
  • What stops consumers from connecting non-phone devices? How can we overcome this reluctance to connect?
  • Are there alternative broadband solutions that we could adopt, rather than simply focusing on share plans?